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Member Since 20 Nov 2010
Offline Jan 06 2013 11:34 AM

Topics I've Started

Meepit Juice Break.

29 November 2010 - 08:24 AM

Alright so, I'm having LOTS of trouble with the 1,500 points needed for the games competition thing with AAA.
The most i can get is like 1,200 legitly.
I'm using the 'meepits' code which gives me an extra life.
Does anyone have a program or something, or even some more tips to help me score enough points?
Thanks in advance. (:

What is your dream pet?

24 November 2010 - 04:39 PM

So, umm.. People probably all have theirs here, because everyone is rich here, but..

What is your dream pet?

Mine is either a baby chomby or some kind of draik.

Just a question.

23 November 2010 - 08:01 PM

Hi everyone! I'm sorry, I'm a little nooby at this whole AB thing.
Is it too risky to run Abrosia on my main? or should i use a 3/4month side?
I'm lazy, so i don't feel like transferring nps/items.
Just was wondering what everyone's input was.
If i use it safely, with good settings and stuff.

Heyyy. I'm new.

20 November 2010 - 04:29 PM

Hi. I'm dom. (: My favorite color is orange. I've been playing neopets since I was young, and decided that I'm too busy to play it legitly, and I wasn't making very many NP's, so I turned to this website. So far, this site seems wonderful, and I'm excited to meet everyone. I've been using abrosia for a few hours, and made a few k. I like pancakes. I do crew. Like.. rowing. Hello everyone! (: