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Member Since 24 Nov 2010
Offline Apr 16 2011 08:06 PM

Topics I've Started

Hmmm what to do with my money

08 January 2011 - 08:41 AM

Okay, I've basically got a fair bit of pure lying around. A little over 20m. I've also got another 15m in ETS. I'm sort of over autobuying, and my connection speed is trash so it just doesn't work well for me. I was wondering whether it would be possible to make some NP in other ways using this money. I've considered both owning a mall and investing in items. I'm very busy throughout the year and would only be able to play for ~1h a night at best, so I'm not sure if a mall is really viable for me. Alternatively, I've considered just buying an expensive retired piece of BD equipment like a sleep ray, but on the flip side this would pretty much involve me not playing at all and I'm not sure I would get bored. So a few questions in summary...

1) If you've owned a mall, how profitable would you describe it as being? Is it really worth the millions to invest in it?
2) Would ~22m be enough to start up a mall? I can always liquidate my ETS and bring it up to 35m.
3) How many hours a day of work is owning a mall?
4) Would a sleep ray be the best investment for me right now if I would choose to not own a mall?

I basically would just like to stop relying on ABing/RSing for now. It's very unreliable profit considering for my steep ping and I want to go legit from here on in (or at least semi-legit, using lower freeze rate programs). I know you can be smart about ABing but there is always an inherent risk that I would like to stop taking.

Pull-up bars

08 January 2011 - 04:54 AM

I've been looking for a pull-up bar for a while, but one of the things that has really concerned me is damage to my wooden door frame. There are bars out there which don't require screws and just jam into the sides with a tightening mechanism but I'm not sure if these cause damage still. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a pull-up bar as there's no way I can do a home fitness program without one and I don't really want to spend a huge amount on gym membership in my current financial state. Google revealed some promising bars with padding on the sides, but I was wondering if anyone had some first hand experience.

ABers "hanging"

04 January 2011 - 06:39 PM

This happens with all ABers I've used in the past, not just Abrosia. Usually my buy times are around 2500-3000ms, but every 10 or so buys the AB "hangs" and gets a buy time of like 10000ms. Does anyone else get this or knows what causes it?

Making a 1 player battler

02 January 2011 - 12:40 AM

1) Is it necessary to train defence and use shields like downsize/ghostkershield? Is it possible to forgo training defence entirely? I don't ever intend on going 2 player but I'm still not sure if defence is needed for 1 player.
2) Is Heavy Robe of Thievery needed? I've heard it's a "must have" for 1 player battling, yet why can't I just use a cheap stealer and withdraw?

Scoresending on multiple accounts as a NP source

31 December 2010 - 05:10 PM

Basically my ping to Neopets is awful and I was wondering about whether scoresending on multiple newbie accounts, transferring and self-icing was a possible means of making NP for me (as it is connection independent). Does self-icing really isolate the scorsending from your main or is it basically pointless? I see lots of people suggesting to do it but I'm not exactly sure if TNT would just turn a blind eye. Has anyone had success with this?