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Member Since 27 Nov 2010
Offline Nov 10 2011 10:18 PM

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In Topic: Speed Tests!

10 December 2010 - 04:34 PM

Lmao. Backup has arrived.
And I only logged in to Abrosia to see what it was like.
Didn't use it for more than one minute. But anyways, this whole argument is over.
Do your speed tests, in bold!
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In Topic: Speed Tests!

10 December 2010 - 10:44 AM

Waser, I didn't do anything. I posted my connection speed as the thread was created for but then of course people have the need to be internet bullies to make up for their insecurities in the real world.

To Pyro: I got home from school about an half and a half ago. Waiting for my girlfriend to get home from school so I can do something with my day. It is still early here and as for joining a community and making new friends. I'm not really interested in making friends on the internet, sorry. I've joined the forum for one main reason, the Trading Post. So you can quit complaining because I used bold text because that is just a really sad thing to start an argument with someone over. I'm DONE arguing as no valid true points have been made against me except false ones.

In Topic: Speed Tests!

10 December 2010 - 10:42 AM

I stopped using bold because I only wanted to use it for that one post. Is everyone on this forum that stupid to realize anything?
And Jibrille, I'm a leecher how? I'm using the forum to sell my Neopets shit then you won't ever see me on here again.
I'm not leeching these programs because I could care less about Neopets. But it seems like you are all internet tough-guys and like to jump to conclusions.
But that's fair enough, I figure idiots stick together.

In Topic: Speed Tests!

10 December 2010 - 10:32 AM

First of all, I honestly don't care about how "shit" goes around here. I could care less if the shit went on your face. I used the bold function, so what? Take the stick out your ass.
And I didn't know by using bold text, that shows that I am a loner who needs attention. You must be no older than fourteen bud. Just a typical kid who makes up scenarios because I did something so simple as using bold text.
I don't sit here and spend my time making a shit program to benefit my Neopets life. And if I'm such the loner, why have the need to insult me? For me to argue back and forth with you because you're apparently the desperate one who needs the attention? I think so. I could care less about how new I am to a forum, You're rather new yourself bud. October 6th wasn't too long ago. Keep spending your days playing Neopets and programming and stop insulting others because of things like "bold text." You idiot.

Edit: Of course you hope I would respond, because you're that bored with your sad life.
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In Topic: Speed Tests!

10 December 2010 - 10:23 AM

Oh? so since I put everything in bold that makes me a device that cleans out a vag. Cool.
Shows your maturity, just proving your age to go along with playing Neopets I suppose.