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Member Since 13 Jan 2011
Offline Nov 09 2012 04:52 AM

Topics I've Started

Why hello!

19 January 2011 - 04:35 PM

I joined Neocodex a few days ago, but never really took the opportunity to introduce myself.

I go by the name Chrysalis, and I've been playing Neopets on and off for several years. To be honest, I had originally joined Neocodex only the with hopes of obtaining Mystery Pic answers. :p
I had never really considered cheating beforehand; however, after lurking around and reading many, many threads, the idea of autobuying has increasingly become more intriguing and tempting!

Now, I have a question - if i were to start using Abrosia, would it be wise to AB on my current 6 year old main, or use a proxy with a different account?
I'm not particularly in a hurry to get rich quick, so is it possible to successfully AB for a long period of time without being frozen?

Anyway, hi! I'm sure I'll enjoy myself around here. ;)