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Member Since 25 Jan 2011
Offline Feb 14 2013 10:47 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do you know your God?

03 March 2011 - 03:58 PM

Wow, 15 out of 15 O_o Granted, I totally guessed on the last one and got lucky. But I knew the others primarily because I took a religious history course a few years ago. I claim Lutheranism in my family for the sake of my heritage, but I can't say I follow diligently, or even remotely closely. I am interested, however, in religions. They're powerful, interesting, and give a good look into the way human minds work.

In Topic: Yes, I'm a White Male, and I Apologize for That

03 March 2011 - 03:28 PM

Well, IMO, rasicm would stop if people stopped using it as an excuse or reason, both ways. Those who use rasicm to put down a minority should stop, as well as those using it to gain unfair advantage by "guilt". We need to move on people. Reminds me of my feminist teacher. Such a bitch, but today i went into a conversation about how feminist are partially the cause of divorces, and when she finally realized she lost, she replied "Well, i don't need to get married anyways" To which i stated "You may need to, the 45k a year the school pays you will not cover you and your douchebag of a boyfriend for very long. Detention for a week. O joy!

That actually made me laugh. I'm a woman and I appreciate all the things women did to be treated fairly in the past, but growing up in this day and age, I see myself as equal to anyone. I really rather hate when feminists comment on how they "don't need a man". It bothers me because it's not really the point of getting married. Getting married is about being in love, not needing someone to support you. Times change. I think the biggest problem is most feminists seem to think women should be better instead of equal and they try to push that we can do ANYTHING a man can, which just isn't biologically true. Same as racism, differences should be recognized but not important.

I also was reading something about Southern Pride, I can't recall where the article was, some online blog, but it was about how southerners are just prideful of their heritage and not being racist by honoring their Confederate ancestors. Which is true, I have ancestors from both sides of the civil war, but I think a lot of people tend to go overboard and it ruins the heritage for everyone, making people think they're racist. Just like having a white males only scholarship, it sounds racist only because people want to make it that way.

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

01 March 2011 - 04:13 PM

Just got a coconut Jubjub O_o