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Member Since 11 Feb 2011
Offline Feb 24 2011 10:44 AM

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In Topic: When is the relationship done?

18 February 2011 - 06:48 PM

I have had a very similar problem with my girlfriend as of late. Somebody previously stated that sex drives fluctuate randomly due to stress and other factors. I believe that to be true. I would ask my girlfriend constantly if something was wrong, if I'm doing something, if she's still attracted to me, etc. and she just said that she's stressed and shit. More recently, we've been having sex quite often, but I'm sure it'll die down again, like it has in the past. The way that I've dealt with it when her sex drive becomes close to non-existent is to just stop thinking about it. I would also occupy myself in different ways that wouldn't make me think about sex at all. Neopets, video games, television, reading, cleaning, whatever you find that works well for you. If it IS due to work and stress and such, it will more than likely pass. If it gets to be a ridiculous amount of time between sex, you should definitely talk to him and pry a little bit to see if it has anything to do with you for sure. Other than that, just wait it out and see what happens.

In Topic: What book are you currently reading?

18 February 2011 - 06:03 PM

I am currently reading three books. The fourth Harry Potter book, Dracula, and Mogworld. It can be a bit of a pain, but I've worked out a system where I read Mogworld at work, HP at home, and Dracula while I'm sick of HP haha.

In Topic: How often do you get high?

18 February 2011 - 05:21 PM

Bro? Try bra.

Anyway, I wouldn't say an occasional smoke makes you a burner anymore than an occasional cigarette makes you a smoker (or wine with dinner makes you a "drinker"). You missed my point entirely. But if others would classify you as a "burner" then yeah, probably going to have issues on the parenting front. If she's a burner (gets high all the time) I think her baby might miss out on the best she has to offer.

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so harsh

I figured I'd use my first post to say that this is really ignorant.

Also, I get high daily, but I currently have no weed due to my girlfriend fucking up and putting our weed through the washing machine.