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Member Since 11 Feb 2011
Offline Jan 31 2012 07:10 PM

Topics I've Started

How does TNT actually know you are ABing?

26 February 2011 - 02:56 PM

Yes, people get reported all the time because other jealous players cannot imagine how they restock a Morphing Potion at all, but without proof, TNT just shrugs these reports off.

So, when someone actually does report someone who is for sure cheating, TNT just shrugs that off as well.

Therefore, how do accounts get frozen? Is Ambrosia really "undetectable"?

I don't know if all this makes sense, I just want to be sure about some things before I start doing "things" if you know what I mean ;)

Sup everyone =)

11 February 2011 - 07:36 PM

Hey guys I'm new here, just wanted to say hi and ask you a question...

I have heard a lot about these Auto Buying programs and I was wondering what your view is on it?
I mean, it is considered cheating by TNT, so I was wondering what your guys' philosophy is behind why it is okay to Auto Buy. Just curious is all =)

And once again, hi! My name is Schroeder (yeah weird name I know, but it is what my parents decided on haha)