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Member Since 19 Feb 2011
Offline Mar 18 2011 08:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ||Yuki|| Mini 'Porfolio' Thread

21 February 2011 - 05:20 PM

Haha, I love the guild layout with all the chibi FF chars. Nice portfolio! (:

In Topic: dangerous shops to AB

21 February 2011 - 08:57 AM

I remember ABing in Stamps a couple years back and being really retarded with how I went about it.

I'd leave my AB on overnight almost and left my refresh time at 5-8 seconds. Not every day, but more than enough that it should've been detected by TNT.

In total, I had ABed for about a year (half of which was spent in Stamps). In the end, I wasn't iced because of ABing but because I got hacked. One day I just couldn't log in and a few days later I found out my account's been frozen.

Wat. .-.

In Topic: Sig of the Week

20 February 2011 - 07:02 PM

Oooh, can't wait until this is put into play. (:

In Topic: Super/System

20 February 2011 - 07:01 PM

just got my advanced membership and, like moonsilver, took my sweet time reading through this whole thread. very interesting... and AB'ing while im at it :)

Haha, yeah. This thread pretty much inspired me to make the most of the ABer.

Amazing job with the stats! :D

In Topic: Why do people find it so hard to quit neopets?

19 February 2011 - 09:22 PM

Because it's so easy to type www.neopets.com in your URL bar when you're bored and it usually gives you SOMETHING to do.........

Completely agree! Because there's just so much stuff for you to do on NP it's hard to get tired of it.

I was finally able to 'quit' though a couple years back after I got frozen. :p It made the pain of leaving hurt a lot less. :)