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Member Since 24 Feb 2011
Offline Jun 29 2011 10:54 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: My new plush puppy <3

05 June 2011 - 04:33 AM

cuuuuuuuute :} i remember when i got my puppy he looked like a toy too in all his photos. he's quadrupled in size in the last two months though x)

In Topic: Anyone else gaga for Gaga?

04 June 2011 - 12:05 PM

oh cman

how can you not love the gags


oh and this hasnt been mentioned yet so im gonna throw this out there


In Topic: How to get into Ivy Leagues?

04 June 2011 - 12:01 PM

This is sort of unrelated but also somewhat related to the race thing lol, I heard this one school i applied to was REALLY big on acceptance and stuff so if you were gay/lesbian/whatever you were practically a shoo-in. I didn't really care about getting in since it was kind of a random choice since I was already accepted at the school i wanted to go to. So i went in with the crappiest of my art portfolio and talked a LOT about how all my work was about oppression of the gay community etc. and I got accepted over one of my friends who had a REALLY strong portfolio. This is in canada but yeah.

anyhow my point WAS that even though im gay so im obviously ALL FOR BEING GAY but race/religion/orientation/whatever shouldn't lower your chances, nor should it /raise/ your chances of getting an opportunity. seriously, why can't we all be equal.

In Topic: Need Advice (regarding life&love)

03 June 2011 - 04:11 PM

hey bud relax, dont be too hard on yourself. :c criticism..? people are really just giving you opinions, dont stress so much. It's only a crush at least, it could have been more, worse, etc. but girls will come and go, i promise.

In Topic: Anyone else gaga for Gaga?

03 June 2011 - 03:27 PM

wat? I never said she was hot lol

It's not the stereotype so much as it is her looking like a guy. Not my thang a ding

Eh she's had enough surgeries anyhow.

A lotta people mention that they think she looks masculine but i don't see it p: I guess androgynous i can see to some extent, which i think someone else in the topic mentioned before. but we all have opinions!