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Member Since 02 Mar 2011
Offline Dec 14 2012 07:49 PM

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In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

13 May 2011 - 08:05 PM

I'm having trouble with the update. The program was running fine yesterday, but it wont let me log in anymore, asking me to go and download the update. I've done so and installed the Program Manager.exe. However it doesn't appear to effect the original program, which still will not allow me to login, and instead asks me to install the update.

Any advice?

I'm having trouble with the update. The program was running fine yesterday, but it wont let me log in anymore, asking me to go and download the update. I've done so and installed the Program Manager.exe. However it doesn't appear to effect the original program, which still will not allow me to login, and instead asks me to install the update.

Any advice?

I figured it out. I had to delete the original program and then re-install. Working fine now.

In Topic: Autobuyer Lists

30 April 2011 - 10:25 AM

There's nothing wrong with posting a valid question in a thread like this.

To answer your question, to get Advanced Member status you can either purchase a paid subscription or make 500 non-spam posts. Both of those give the same rank update.

Thank you. That helps a lot.

When using Abrosia I generally stick to one store and one AB list. As a new member is there a way to cycle through a couple of stores, shopping off an AB list, or are you limited to just the one OR the random database shopping?

In Topic: Autobuyer Lists

30 April 2011 - 10:18 AM

Umm you're a year late, the last post was May 2010....

I saw that. However this thread started in 2005 so I assumed it was a long-running thread.

Would you be more helpful if I started a new topic? I was attempting to be considerate and search for a thread O.T. before starting a new one.

In Topic: Cybunny Day

30 April 2011 - 10:16 AM

I've only ever had my one pet. My Pirate Nimmo is pretty pimp. Can you only make a new cybunny on cybunny day? I created my account "3429 days ago" but I forgot about Neopets until the last 6 months and I'm still relearning how everything works.

In Topic: Autobuyer Lists

30 April 2011 - 10:03 AM

Let me say that I love this site and this community but thus far I've been content to be a lurker. However, I'm not quite sure what it takes to become an "advanced member." Is the only way to buy a membership? I read something about 500 posts earlier in the thread and it seems like I can never access the parts of the site that would give me answers. If I become a contributor and acquire 500 posts does that also elevate my membership status?

Finally, until then, can I set Abrosia to shop a set of stores off of an AB list or is it a one shop only option?

Thanks in advance for any info.