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Member Since 06 Mar 2011
Offline Jul 30 2011 06:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Another getting into an old account question

11 May 2011 - 05:11 PM

Ok, lets say I know for a fact the birthday I registered with, I know a neofriend but I am unsure about the email address used. Will knowing a neofriend and the birthday be enough to get the password if I send a ticket in?

Getting into an old account and the birthday thing

08 May 2011 - 11:30 AM

Ok, I have an old account I am trying to get into and I no longer have the email associated w/that account. I can't write a ticket because I don't even remember the email address it was associated with as I had a ton of different emails.
Anyway, I tried to guess the password a couple times but after the 3rd or 4th time it went to the screen with the box where you select the birthday. I know at one point you needed to know the birthday if you haven't logged in after a certain amount of time (but now the birthday is no longer required in that type of situation) but this is a different situation so I just wanted to clarify that.

I am just wondering if I guess the birthday, will it let me in or am I going to have a problem still? I don't want to waste time guessing if it's not going to work. Thanks all!


11 March 2011 - 01:02 PM

Hey everyone!!

WHOAH Check out Better Business Bureau's reliability rating for neopets.

11 March 2011 - 12:48 PM

Sorry for the link . Neopets get's an F


when you go to it, if you scroll down, on the left side of the page at the bottom of the screen it will tell you how many complaints are logged.

How do you know what to buy and what things are worth when AB'ing?

10 March 2011 - 08:19 AM

I am completely new to AB'ing. Is there some list somewhere that tells you the value of items, what things are worth and what would be easy to sell? I mean, how do you know what to buy?