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Member Since 28 Mar 2011
Offline Jun 11 2011 04:34 PM

Topics I've Started

Please, I want to find guy's opinions on this:

04 May 2011 - 09:13 PM

And the topic should be guys'
So I've only had 3 serious boyfriends..I'm very picky and I'm about ready to head into my 4th relationship with an AWESOME guy...just awesome..like honestly makes me say fuck all the other guy (yes eff even the camaro guy!)
Well I want to know, I've talked to some guys just casually and I was wondering: why do guys talk about sex when they just meet a girl that they're attracted to like a week into meeting her? Sometimes I'll even meet a guy off facebook sometimes and it's OBVIOUS he's looking for pussy because he'll text me everyday and when it hits that week he starts to get sexual even if we're not in a relationship and it makes me feel uncomfrtable. Do guys do this just to feel it out or something? I'm just wondering..how do guys usually approach trying to get a girlfriend VS trying to get in somebody's pants. Am I just being a prude =/
i feel like a prude:
Me: "It's -insert very unique name here"
Him: "You like saying it don't you.."

Him: "-insert my name- I wish you were here"
Me: "Haha I guess so? Why do you ask :/ is it some sexual reference or something"
Him: "nah, I'm past that stage But I still have som vigorous youngun moments. I am just curious on what you have to offer"
My translation: I'm sooo fuuckin horny. I just want a hot girl in my bed on a Wednesday night god why must you take so much effort to be with..are you a slut or not?
The other guy:
"I feel like I am on the verge of meeting someone that is going to alter my life. It is a strange sensation.I have only felt this a couple of times before in my life. Both times I have felt it I was right about the event changing things. This week can't go by fast enough anymore for me. I want it to be Saturday so I can be with you and having fun with our dinner/movie/ice cream/hang out plans. The night is going to be so perfect. "
OMG I feel i just feel awesome....god..I feel so lucky!

The guy who I'm choosing is SOOO nice. he writes me a really long message to my email every night and is just a sweetie. He's the best out of them..a little shy but oh so awesome!

How to get your frozen account back in some easy steps.

04 April 2011 - 06:09 PM
