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Member Since 20 Apr 2011
Offline Sep 18 2011 06:36 PM

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In Topic: Smoking marajuana when pregnant

01 September 2011 - 08:54 PM

Hi there

I don't usually smoke because I do not tend to feel that great when high. I do have a brother who uses regularly. I believe it should be legalized. Etc etc etc

That being said, you are taking a risk with your child. I think you do know that, deep down, which is making you insecure enough to try this posting stuff. I'm sorry you are having a tough time with the sickness, but you really should cover this stuff with your doctor, openly and honestly.

It does sound like you should consider some counseling if you feel any form of addiction. It will surely interfere, in some way, with your life and your parenting.

You will do what you like, but you are taking a risk with your baby. That is that, end of story. Hopefully it will turn out well, but you have to reconcile that this type of lifestyle could negatively impact your child. If you are willing to take a risk, fine, but own it. I think you are hoping someone will say it is okay, but no one will say that, since there is no way to now.
