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Member Since 07 May 2011
Offline Jun 02 2011 08:00 PM

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In Topic: Stock Market

24 May 2011 - 12:06 PM

I think another way you could tackle this would be to simply get a bit of stock in each of the companies, then when you see one making a fast climb you invest heavy into it. That's what I did and was able to catch onto the VTPS rise. I was able to catch on at 300 again and it's up to around 450 now.

Yes, i thaught about that and it's a great strategy... I think you'll need to start buying at least 1k of all stocks and catch a hugh rise.. and also in the mid time, you can buy and sell stocks as they go up and down.. Maybe a combination of strategies.
I don't know if you can pull the mathematical prediction off.. i think it's kinda random, so you can always have a few functions or values that works for certain stocks, but you won't be able to guess exactly wich stocks are going up and down. But you can give let's say, advice on what to buy..I.e. if you have a stock story.. and right now this stock is in a very low price, you can buy a lot of those cause you "know" it's going up! Things like that.. maybe can be somehow messured and put togheter in a program or something like that.. That's at least my opinion.. don't know what you guys think..

PS: i.e. The simple way to ensure profit.. is buying 1k of 15np stock and wait a few days.. then sell it. (That would be a low risk investment)

In Topic: Stock Market

23 May 2011 - 02:33 PM

I don't think is really random.. cause if you take a closer look, the variations of the stocks doesn't go up and down like fliping a coin.. it has relatively short periods where a stock price is going up, and periods where it's going down... of course it does within one day, but taking a bigger look i don't think that's how it works. And the trick in the game is that you have to know when to buy cheap, and sell expensive. If you can let's say.. find a "patron" maybe you can have a reference of when a stock price is low at the moment, and when it's cheap. Of course TNT adds random events in all value changes, but they are also forced to add some logic to it all..

PS: i think "patron" meant to be : pattern LOL. Sorry For my english (Argentinian)

In Topic: Stock Market

23 May 2011 - 12:25 PM

Would this site be of any use to you, particularly the report card section?

Wow.. actually it has a LOT of info.. tvm!!!

I'll try to do something with all these.. collect data.. organize it.. try to make a 3-profile buyer.. see what i can come up with..
I'm a little busy with my studies right now, but when i get the chance.. i'll try to do something with it :)

If you have ideas for the program.. they're all welcome!!

In Topic: Stock Market

23 May 2011 - 12:02 PM

Where can i access that data?
And yes, that's a pretty good idea.. I was thinking maybe in doing a stock market manager, that can buy / sell stocks when it hit certain profit point. Suggest you what to buy and maybe have a database based on the daily value changes.
I think it's not that hard to code it ..
For now i would like you to tell me what web site is and where do you have stock market info ! :D

In Topic: In-Depth Semi Legit Restocking

15 May 2011 - 07:37 PM

Great guide.. downloading right now.. Nice contribution!! i was going mad with clicks !