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Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Jun 22 2011 10:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Introductions from the introverted

23 May 2011 - 11:40 AM

I always feel so silly posting an intro on message boards... it's more my style to read, soak information, get to know the community a little before slipping unobtrusively into threads where I feel I actually have something worthwhile to add. But, activity is (rightfully) demanded =) so I figure I really ought to break the ice.

So, hi. I'm Ame. I'm a gamer through and through. WoW is my full-time baby but since my vid card hates me right now I'm reduced to grinding Loremaster one choppy, lag-ridden zone at a time, and in the midst of a 1-fps-nerd-rage I recalled the lag-free simplicity of Neo's flash games. I'm probably too old to be on Neopets anymore, but I've kept my account for-bloody-ever and periodically I pop in to see what's new and annoy the people stalking my pet names hoping for a purge. Usually, the only thing I find is more and more advertising but this time I found the Habitarium... sooooooooo it looks like I'm gonna be here a while. >.> And if that's the case... well I'd like to actually make some money this time around (never having had much patience for restocking by hand) so I went looking and I found: you!

I'm in my late 20s, I'm married, I'm enjoying the summer break before my second year of grad school, I'm going to be a mother before the year is out O.o and I hate trying to work my way into established social circles. So please forgive me if I am quiet, I'm new to this scene and don't much care to look a fool so I'll probably spend more time reading than talking.

Whew. That was a lot of talking. D=

Nice to meet you all! =)