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Member Since 25 May 2011
Offline Jun 09 2011 12:27 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Altador Shootout Showdown

05 June 2011 - 01:25 PM

Your idea's good, but if you use that, you have a skill rating of 0% when you finish. Might look kind of off if it's something TNT cares about. (I just set it to use two keys that were easier to hit.)

Uhh no, i never get below 90% using that... you must be doing something wrong lol

In Topic: Altador YooyuBall

02 June 2011 - 05:01 AM

d0 30 60 a5 07 66 cf 04 60 9b 07 =>

47 30 60 a5 07 66 cf 04 60 9b 07

^this doesn't work anymore but the bottom one still does. It just makes the goalie AI stupid

In Topic: Altador Shootout Showdown

01 June 2011 - 12:41 PM

Ill be a boss when I figure out how to hack that stupid Make some Noise game.

You don't need hacks for that game, just download a keyboard macro like autohotkey and set the macro to the 2 keys in the game so u just need to press 1 key.

e.g this will press g and h with a delay of 30ms

send {g}
sleep, 30
send {h}

In Topic: Requests/Updates

25 May 2011 - 11:52 PM

I was actually going to put a post about that. I already made some but there are some....things I need to sort out first. I don't know if I should let myself make these public. The reason why i'm contemplating this is mostly because I don't want people to get banned over this. If you think about it, a bunch of people suddenly getting a massive amount of points from the altador cup im pretty sure that TNT will monitor these games HEAVILY.

I promise i won't abuse the hack, but i can't speak for the rest of the people that uses this site.

If you could make a hack that makes the opposing players stay still, i think that wouldn't get u flagged for hacking as scoring in the new version of YYP is very easy as its pretty face pace. I score on average 7-9 per game without using any hacks.

Or a simple scoring hack that automatically gives you a score of 7-0 or something, again i don't see how TNT will freeze you for hacking if you can just do nothing till the game ends, then send your score.

In Topic: Requests/Updates

25 May 2011 - 09:19 PM

Can you please make an AOB hack for Altador Cup games like yooyuball?