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Member Since 27 May 2011
Offline Jun 28 2011 07:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Anyone got studying tips?

20 June 2011 - 07:00 PM

Get a dexadrine prescription. Got me through 4 years of university. Only problem is it that it felt like 6 months.

In Topic: Generally how long might it take for my subscription to start?

01 June 2011 - 01:36 AM

It takes 3 days to clear if your paypal account is linked to a bank account but there is no money on the paypal account itself.
If you have no money on the paypal account linked to a bank account, and its backed by a credit card, then there is no wait and the transaction is instant.
It won't charge your credit card unless you have an empty bank account and paypal doesn't receive the money.

In Topic: Sup all

31 May 2011 - 09:00 PM

Well, if anyones interested I posted my first Python question in the programming forums. haha.

In Topic: Sup all

29 May 2011 - 11:33 PM

Well from what I remember. There's something like a window.show and window.hide right?

Couldn't you create 2 windows. Then hide one and show the other?

yeah I actually realized that when I wrote the code for the window just a while ago...
I'm still gonna run them through the system args cause then I can just setup shortcuts on my desktop for different accounts and not need to type out the users/pass

In Topic: Sup all

29 May 2011 - 11:11 PM

I'm sad to hear that! I agree with the hopes that the trend continues lol

I had the same thought -- keeping it simple. At first I wanted to create a 2 window GUI -- the first window for login info and the second with the actual program. It's just a small program that logs into a social media website and checks the game page... I play a game that rewards you with a maximum of 3 links for helping a friend in battle, or winning/losing battles... and those points are close to the best thing in that game... so anyways, the script checks the game page, and it compares the links to the last 10 links clicked, if its not in the list it adds the links to the list, removes the oldest ones to maintain at 10 and then collects the newest links. Anyways, since I'm getting rid of the first login window I figured I will just pass the social media websites username/pass through system args while I'm still learning the ins and outs.