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Member Since 08 Aug 2005
Offline Aug 12 2007 07:32 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Opinion

26 April 2006 - 08:06 PM

Royalboy is nicer, more detail/colour I guess you could say. Royal looks royal, quigiki looks... like a page or something lower class :p

Are you going to be getting one of these?

ya well that's my plan, just wanted to get others opinions first

In Topic: Opinion

26 April 2006 - 06:20 PM

ya I just don't know, because they both look muskateerish and pretty awesome but some of the poses kinda turn me off of that choice so thats why I am making this poll

In Topic: New Lenny Conundrum

26 April 2006 - 06:02 PM

LOL - I had worked that bit out, but I had no idea what it meant

neither did I, I was like "maybe the sun...?" this was an interesting one

In Topic: New Lenny Conundrum

26 April 2006 - 05:58 PM

The early bird? O.o

nah I just try because usually I can never get them and I got this one (or at least I think I did) and I've been hoping to eventually get one

In Topic: New Lenny Conundrum

26 April 2006 - 05:52 PM

You must print them out or use paint and/or whatever art progs you guys have to find the answer. Please share with us once done :thumbsup:

it says "What is the name of the first to rise?"

edit: the answer is fairly obvious (at least I thought so) but I won't say as it against the rules:P just google it and you should get it...