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Member Since 22 Jul 2011
Offline Nov 04 2013 05:23 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Icy theories

26 September 2013 - 05:36 AM

My theory for icing involves a random number generator on anyone who buys anything with profit over 1mil. 


Everyone who buys any high end MP gets put into a draw and 20 get banned each day. 


That really doesn't make much sense, seeing as I've only been ABing in the food store (1) and have been banned previously on one of my shells for doing so. Nowhere in there have I seen any items over 1m...

In Topic: Icy theories

25 September 2013 - 08:33 PM

Want to try only a second difference between the maximum and minimum refresh time in reference to legacycm's hunch?


Hasn't been iced yet, so it's hard to tell...unless if the refresh time is changed he gets iced the next day :o

In Topic: Shops' danger levels

25 September 2013 - 08:00 PM

I would say that 4 hrs isn't too bad, 6+ would be pushing it. Might be just an unlucky occurrence.

My theory on how people are iced for high risk shops (Stamps, magic etc) goes along the lines of predictability. If Abrosia is set to...say 8.0-9.0 refresh times, their systems would flag that. If they dfetect the same patterns the next day, that is probably how you will get iced. I think the best way to avoid an icing is to make your timings have a larger range...maybe from 5.0-10.0 refresh etc. and to AB for random periods of times...maybe 2 hours the first, 6 hours the next, 3 hours the next etc. etc.

Tell me your thoughts:)