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Member Since 22 Jul 2011
Offline Jul 29 2011 12:25 AM

Topics I've Started


23 July 2011 - 12:26 PM

Hey all, semi-experienced NP user here. A little about me: Started in 4th grade (3rd year of college now), banned on 3 accounts for using brute force methods to break into other accounts (to steal their g00dz). I really wish I hadn't though, and still had my original account from 2000. I've been off and on throughout years. I never played in high school, and hardly any in college. It wasn't until recently that I recovered the pw to my current acct to do some finagling in hopes of 'beating the system'. To me, I see NP as a system that can be totally controlled if you're smart enough. I see it's economy, it's prized items, and I want to control it. From the 3 days of surfing this site, it seems like you all share the same goal.

Aaanyways, look foreword to conquering NP with you all.