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Member Since 05 Aug 2011
Offline Aug 30 2011 01:54 AM

Topics I've Started

Ask a guy who is about to have his alternate main iced anything

13 August 2011 - 10:48 PM

Sent an impossible score using an old trophy score list :S

Neopets just came back online and I'm not frozen AND I had a score both reviewed and accepted ? I'm still however logged for an impossible game score ? Anyway, as a precaution Ive transfered my money and items but..I don't know. Maybe I wont get frozen?


who knows maybe theyll just overlook my account with all this chaos going on with their servers :D :D

Transferring 8mil without alerting the Gestapo TNT

08 August 2011 - 04:32 AM

Two plans :
A).I'm considering transferring the funds from an old friend's main (51 months and was obtained because he quit) slowly through a few shell/dummy accounts and then into my new main (only a 1 week old). I've planned out a gradual 1 month complete transfer.

B).The other option is just buying a Maraquan paint brush for 7 mil and trading it across - feigning it as some sort of gift for a friend - to the new main. However, I'm just worried that 1) the trade will alert TNT since the new main is only a week old and 2) that i won't be able to sell the brush ( there has been a decline in brush sale profitability for a while now).

Any suggestion people?