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Member Since 15 Aug 2005
Offline May 18 2024 03:20 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NeoCodex Birthday's Thread

04 November 2023 - 06:01 PM

November the 7th! so soon!

This is my daughters birthday! 

In Topic: A Brilliant Return

04 November 2023 - 05:12 PM

*starts slow clap* 


In Topic: We're Back!

22 October 2023 - 11:11 AM

For anyone who would also like to join our Neocodex Discord: https://discord.gg/mQrfN2ufkC


We would like to get this up and running as an addition to Codex, so come join!


Also, thank you Cody, for getting this up and running!!