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Member Since 24 Aug 2005
Offline Aug 06 2014 11:35 AM

Topics I've Started

Anyone ever take a course on Electricity and Magnetism in physics?

05 October 2006 - 03:38 PM

I took my first test today, and it seriously screwed with my head. Is it seriously supposed to be THAT hard?

The test was divided up into conceptual and problem solving parts. We started off with the conceptual and I was just thinking "this shouldnt be too bad." Then I started on the problem solving, and it was going well until the middle of it. Seriously, these problems were like freaking riddles. It goes beyond simply visualizing and applying equations to solve it.

I'm just ranting, but that stuff was freaky.

Signature please

28 September 2006 - 06:15 AM

Thanks to anyone who looks into this. I'll accept pretty much anything, but I like those 3D-looking pictures, like a glowing thing or what not.

Problem with Internet Connection

27 September 2006 - 06:29 PM

It's happened in the past although the symptoms have declined. Whenever I play a game that uses up alot of the CPU, a message comes up that says something along the lings of

"Local Area Connection: A network cable is unplugged."

Now I know that my cable is fully plugged in and there isn't anything wrong with it, but my internet shuts off when this happens. I really don't know what to do about it. I'm running off a router, but there's nothing wrong with the router as other people on the network aren't affected. The cable is fine since I've tested it on other computers. I'd really like to get this figured out.

I've also noticed that at the same time, my DVD burner stops performing at all, not even at low speeds. It says that there isn't enough power, possibly something wrong with a power supply? I don't know if these problems could be related, but so far, nothing works in the place of that DVD burner and that message appears on and off.

Thanks for any replies.