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Member Since 01 Sep 2011
Offline Sep 02 2011 02:25 PM

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In Topic: Premade Score Lists? So I don't have to add every game manually. D:

02 September 2011 - 08:33 AM

Well, I didn't mean to be rude. I was just stating a fact. It's true that if your scores don't appear on your score list, they're being reviewed & that if the timings you sent were crazy, you're most likely to be frozen. Cause that was exactly what happened to my old main. :crybaby:

It's easy to cheat. But not easy to cheat and get away with it. Ppl here aren't as helpful as they seem. Lists provided are often sloppy and will easily get you frozen. You're better off making you're own. I made mine using the list maker provided above & hopped onto TDN daily games + kissmoto's 100k a day guide & picked out a few high NP ratio & easy games.
For accurate timings, either play them your own to find out the best timings are youtube the game and see how long do non cheating ppl take to play the game. You just need around 20 games or so to generate ~50-60k a day which is typical of a legit player.

Been doing that for 3 months everyday on 1 account and account still alive with no warnings/reviews.
& trying for loads and loads of trophies is a bad idea. I think a lot of ppl on neo are good at spotting cheaters.

Yeah, I was just testing the waters. :) I was going to see how far I could go before being spotted, but I chickened out cause I'm afraid they'll trace me back to my main. :(
It'd be a lot easier if you could adjust hours, minutes and seconds, instead of just seconds.

Oh, and I got the avatars, but it still didn't show up on the list.. o.o

I'd like to just ab, but have to wait for an account to age. Actually, how long does TNT keep IP records? I have an ancient account that hasn't been logged into in years and at that it was a different IP.

In Topic: HotSpot Shield? Am I completely protected?

02 September 2011 - 04:21 AM

The problem with HotSpot Shield is that there's probably a lot of people who have used it on Neopets and therefore you would be sharing an IP with all of those people (which isn't good). A better way would be to purchase a private proxy rather than using free proxy services.

Does everyone who uses hotspot shield share an IP address? O_o
I was getting logged out a lot... :/

But will it hide my real info? So there's no chance my main would be connected? :x

There's other personal VPNs that I could use. (:
I just need to know I'm safe. ;) Because apparently neo can tell you're using a proxy and get your real IP.. If the proxy isn't "good" enough.

And rofl, buttcrack shield. xD

In Topic: Premade Score Lists? So I don't have to add every game manually. D:

02 September 2011 - 03:26 AM

Yeah, lot's of rudeness. o.o'

It just seems like there would be an easier way. -_-
I did google around, but didn't find any help so I asked here. <_<

And ty to the one nice person.

I don't even want to cheat, but I'm a neo addict and after spending 7 years building my account/ making NP legitimately, and then lose it all because TNT's stupid.. Well I'm done. D= I'll take the easy way to rebuild.

I was on a tester account. With hotspot shield. Speaking of which, will hotspot shield protect the score sender? I panicked and froze the tester cause I wasn't completely sure of that. :x