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Member Since 20 Sep 2011
Offline Jan 20 2012 06:34 PM

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NP Stock market player

29 December 2011 - 10:37 AM

Anybody mess with the stocks on NP I've been making tons of cash off it for years.
in addition to buying everything at 15 I usually buy the most expensive stock and flip it the same day for 20-30k profit.
There is not much of a method I just buy the most expensive stock and wait for it to go up a few points.
It's much quicker than waiting fro 15 to get to 30+ to sell.
I usually make 20-30k a day in a short while, easy money.

What can you do with item ID's?

30 November 2011 - 02:51 PM

Hello all, just wondering what you can do with item ID's I received this email from someone...

Hi there,
Im in charge of the S2bookworld database and am in need of the ID number for the Honey Yurble that you are lucky enough to own. Id sure appreciate if you could please send the ID number for that item to me. Posted Image

The easiest way to find the ID is to put the Item in your SDB. Just hover your mouse over the 'Remove One' and you should see this: =passPin(2490,24863,'',''" at the bottom of your browser. The number you are looking for is the second number of the four. (In this case it would be 24863.)

Thanks so much for your help!

I notice on the jellyneo there is a section to find item ID's but not sure what they do or why care? :rolleyes:

Smugglers Cove, when did it last restock?

01 November 2011 - 02:11 PM

Been out of the game for a while but trying to hoard dubloons, anyone know the last time the cove got a new item?

hey guys!

12 October 2011 - 08:30 AM

I've been playing neopets off and on for a few years, few account frozen etc.. so I usually start from nothing and manually restock, I love the program you guys have hear puts everything into one neat place.
keep up the good work!

I've also purchased an advance subscribtion to keep the work going thanks again!