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Member Since 15 Oct 2011
Offline Jun 28 2012 12:30 PM

Topics I've Started

I never post. So here goes the first one.

06 March 2012 - 01:04 PM

I've seem to have never made a post yet. Been a member for about 5 months now, and been coming around daily for a bit longer than 5 months.

I live in Sweden and it's cold. I've moved here from Canada. It wasn't cold in Vancouver.
On neopets I just happily and merrily waste my time, buy items, and earn NP and avatars. I don't really care about pets, pet colours, or cheating.

I'm constantly wondering when Neopets will shut-down for good, and wondering what would be the outcome of that. On the contrast, I'm trying to learn flash, while my partner codes php and make a browser game of our own.

I don't know why but I just can't seem to come up with anything that is response worthy. It seems like it has either been said, will be said, or understood already so I've just been happily reading as if it were a newspaper.

Thanks for the great posts, they are a pleasure to read on my spare time.

(Bårk bärk börk.)