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Member Since 22 Oct 2011
Offline Oct 30 2011 12:02 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Mini-Event: Masks of Dread

29 October 2011 - 11:06 PM

Well no one posted yet, so I'll be first :D

So, you've agreed to go on a quest wearing one of my masks. A wise decision... now, if you look inside, you'll find a tag containing a clue that tells you where to go and who to see. This one reads: Upon your arrival at Faerieland, first hit the books, and then search for the one who's been left behind.


Hello, I'll be with you in just a moment... *puts down books* okay, is there anything I can help you find? Hmm... info, you say, relating to someone being left behind. I don't believe we have any books along those lines, but it's funny you should mention it - I read an article recently, something about long lost sea creatures, "visions in blue," which were recently spotted around the Faerie Caverns. Could that possible have something to do with what you're looking for? Alright, well... best of luck!


As you reach the Faerie Caverns, you spot a water faerie, who greets you warmly. "You seem like you're looking for something," she says, so you explain the events leading to your visit. "Hmm, no long lost sea creatures around here, not that I've heard of," she tells you. "The only 'vision is blue' around here is that Grundo plushie, who'll occasionally sway a little if there's a strong breeze." You thank her and move on...


The blue Grundo plushie's expression conveys how glad he is that you've arrived... You stroll up to the plushie, then lean in for a better look, failing to notice that the flames from your mask have set it on fire! You quickly rush to put out the flames. When the smoke clears, you notice a Faeries Colouring Book and Tooth Faerie Sweets beside the plushie, plus an angry look on its face. Getting the hint, you take the plushie's offering and leave, reminding yourself to see Saskia for one last surprise.


I thought for sure this time you'd come up short, and yet, here you are. In all my travels I've known plenty who could've done this backward in their sleep. That being said, y'know, nice job... The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity Stamp has been added to your inventory.


The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity Stamp

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

29 October 2011 - 06:17 AM

My pet just got zapped Health +5!

In Topic: New Mini-Event: Masks of Dread

28 October 2011 - 09:20 PM

Thanks Scot! :D

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

26 October 2011 - 04:19 AM

My pet just got zapped Defence -3!

In Topic: Heyyyyy :D

25 October 2011 - 05:23 AM

Okay! Thanks a lot bossss! :D *fleesss*