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Member Since 11 Nov 2011
Offline Dec 24 2011 08:40 AM

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In Topic: Just missed a 1.7m+ profit morphing potion. What gives?

19 December 2011 - 10:37 AM

and my times have been 1300ms to 3000ms. I've been seeing them in the thousands more though lately.

When you say you've been seeing your buy times in the thousands more lately...what sort of buy times do you mean and what do you mean by lately? The past two days, my buy times went up to like 5000ms and I've not figured out what the cause was. I've only been ABing for like a week or so thus far so it's hard to determine a pattern at this point. My buy times are normally like 2800ms or so.

I've not AB'd in magic much, as I just don't see myself ever winning anything against all the people in there...and I'd rather not get frozen. However, the thought of winning something worth millions is very tempting.

In Topic: Help with Abrosia?

18 December 2011 - 02:25 PM

with ambrosia i got nothing O_o, and it keeps refreshing at lame shops

Abrosia will automatically choose the most profitable shops for you unless you have it set to AB in one specific shop with a list. If you have it set to AB in a specific shop and you do not have a list, it will sit there and buy nothing. My advice to you is lower your refresh, haggle, and OCR to as low as the times will go and let it choose your shops. I believe the default setting, which you cannot change if not advanced, is to have it refresh in each shop for 45 minutes. If you don't like the shop it chose, stop it, and start it again and it will typically pick another shop. Alternatively, use the Neocodex database, select one shop you wish to AB in, select items sold in that shop that you wish for Abrosia to buy, and use the list. This guide is great for composing lists using the database: http://www.neocodex....76#entry1532676 You'll have to scroll up to the top as my bookmark was made down by someone's comment.

It took me a while to start being able to gnab decent items. Even with my buy times, I'm still getting some good stuff once I AB in the right places. Good luck!

In Topic: Help with Abrosia?

18 December 2011 - 01:27 PM

Internet connection of course plays a role but I am surprised that the buy times are as low as they are as my connection isn't *that* bad. Being an advanced member promises that you can lower the settings but it doesn't promise super low buy times necessarily. A good connection + advanced = super awesome buy times I suppose. The buy times I posted earlier are at least an improvement over the 5kms buy times I was seeing earlier today and yesterday. It's still catching me some good stuff, I just wish I didn't have to put the times at the bare minimum to get the buy times that I am getting.

In Topic: Help with Abrosia?

18 December 2011 - 08:52 AM

Thanks for responses. After posting, I let it sit in one shop for a while (normally I switch a lot as I'm quite impatient and hoping to catch restocks). Here are the results:

Total items found: 11
Total bought: 6
Total missed: 5 (two due to insufficient funds)
All buy times in order: 2701ms, 4027ms, 3617ms, 2240ms, 2071ms, and 2158ms.

And that is with the incredibly low settings listed above. Are these variations unusual? I'm not sure why they would fluctuate so much. Unfortunately, this is the best type of connection available to me as I live in a rural area, so I suppose it will have to do. Works great for WoW, though. If anyone happens to have any suggestions as to how I could lower the latency, they would be much appreciated. Also, since my buy times are so slow, that means that they are safe even though the settings are set to be very fast, right? Is it possible to even set the settings much lower than they are now?

In Topic: Help with Abrosia?

18 December 2011 - 06:52 AM

I hope it's alright if I post here, since I too need help with Abrosia and I don't see much point in starting a new thread. I'm having horrible buy times for some reason. When I first started using it (less than a week ago), buy times were like 3kms. Yesterday they shot up to 5kms. Wait delay is 4.5 to 7.0, MS pre-haggle .07 to .2, and OCR .01 to .07. I know, I know, it's insane and maybe not even possible for the program to use those settings but I was getting quite frustrated with the buy times and wanted to get them as low as I possibly could. With these settings, the buy time is still 5kms. My connection isn't great, but I don't believe it is the cause.


It seems to be behaving as it normally does. I've healed 25-man raids on World of Warcraft on this connection without issue. Any ideas what the cause of these high buy times are? Is it because it's the weekend and more people are playing and using Abrosia? On the weekdays, the settings above got me to a bit over 2kms which was an improvement. Also, when the program says how many seconds it's waiting, I can count with it and it will be several more seconds than it's supposed to be.