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Member Since 07 Dec 2011
Offline Sep 30 2017 07:04 AM

Topics I've Started

Keep refreshing for random events. Some experiences here?

05 May 2016 - 04:51 AM



Yesterday I got a nerkmid while playing Neopets, so I got the idea to keep on refreshing the whole night. Not manually of course, but by putting something on the F5 button.


Now I tried it with Scorchio Slots. I pressed the F5 button for about 2 minutes, and I had 3k np less (= about 3000/5 = 600 Scorchy Slots plays). When I released F5, my Neopet was bored of the game. So, if you put something on the F5 button, it works. I also had a codestone in my inventory, I must got it with a RE.


So, last hour, I putted something on the F5 button, so it refreshed for one hour, many times per minute. But this time I got nothing. No Neopet stat change, no item, no NP change, no faerie quest. I went to another account and tried it again with scorchy slots, and now I also had some NP less, so refreshing worked again, and I got an item which I must have got with a RE. After this, I refreshed one hour at the other account, and again I got nothing extra.


That's strange. Could it be that you can only get 1 RE at the same page, untill you go to another page?
Are here more people who have tried this? And what worked for you, and what didn't work?


Hope to hear of you :)


Sorry if my grammar is bad, but I'm not English. :p

Win items with my Neopets Quizzes!

04 April 2016 - 03:07 PM

Hi there!


I have made a Neopets Quiz, and I will do this more times in the future. You can win some nice prizes if you are one of the best 5.



I know this sounds very unreliable, because when people say that they give things away, it often is a scam. But there is really no risk, I will never ask for your password.



I use the Abrosia Autobuyer from this site, and I sell the items. But, except using the Autobuyer, I don't play Neopets. I'm just curious what items I will get with the Autobuyer, and how good it works. So, I sell the items I get, but I do nothing with the NPs. So I wanna give it way. But not everything at once, but with quizzes.



It's very easy. I have made a quiz on Kahoot. If you wanna join, this is how it works:

- Go to www.kahoot.it

- If there are enough people at the same time interested, I will give the 'PIN' of my quiz, then you can join.

- Then you have to give a nickname. Use your NeoCodex username as your nickname.

- If you are a winner, you can send me your Neopets username, that you want me to send the prize to, in a private message.

- There are 20 questions. The faster your answer (if correct), the more points.

- It's a 'live' quiz, so everybody play the quiz at the same time. I only start the quiz when there are at least 10 participants.

- If you end 1st to 5th, you win a prize. I send the prize as a gift on Neopets.


That's it!


For the first quiz, the prizes are:

1. Tyrannian Paint Brush

2. Basic Golden Nerkmid

3. One Hundred Dubloon Coin

4. Purple Negg

5. Mag Codestone


Sorry if my English is bad, I'm Dutch.

I have no idea if there are many people online now. If there are enough people interested now, we can play the first quiz now. If not, we can play it tomorrow. It's very late here now, so if there are not enough people, I'm gonna sleep. So, if you're interested, leave a message in this topic. Then I give the PIN you need to join the quiz. Otherwise I do tomorrow.


Speak you soon, or tomorrow!

