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Member Since 12 Dec 2011
Offline Nov 25 2012 06:17 PM

Topics I've Started

Decreasing Stats?

20 November 2012 - 11:29 AM

I've looked all over this thread- what are the best items to decrease stats with?

My pet I'm training I adopted (not originally for BD) is only level 23 however they have 131 health. I don't want to train in Level all the way up just to accommodate health (Although I think I still need to since strength is 43 and agility is 46) so I need to get that health down!

Does this bother anyone else?

17 November 2012 - 02:46 PM

Not saying it should be fixed (...its rather silly too )
But for the Notable Neopet- Looks freakn awesome, want something from it, click on it and its completely different D:< Bugs the crap out of me :\
Another reason it bugs me is that I'm trying to get a list of .swf's of certain items.

Is there anything that seems silly, obviously won't change, but just makes you grind your teeth?

Any Doctor Who fans?

15 November 2012 - 05:10 PM

I've just started watching it back in Sept and I've watched all the new ones up to the most recent.
I must say I've never gotten so quickly obsessed over something as quickly as this x_x
I really want to watch the older Doctor episodes- but worried the bad quality would kill it for me lol

Who's your favorite doctor in the 'new' series? The newer episodes made 11 my new fave XD

Few Questions about SS

13 December 2011 - 01:55 PM

I've been reading a ton lately on ABing and SS (which is a godsend!) but there are some things I can't find (or maybe I just havn't had a nap yet)

I've started using SS on a newly created account (I don't have any old ones I could use -_-' ( I have to find a way to make some NP while letting the account age, but I noticed that when I play (I use sLaughers dropbox list generator) I get randomly logged out? Is it my proxy? It is rather slow compared to my actual server... do I need to add my proxy into the settings? or is it automatically used from my browser?
Also, in the log screen it said I was getting reviewed, and one game was reviewed. Is that TNT checking out if I'm legit or not? or is it just something that happens anyway?

Long time Lurker, First time Poster

12 December 2011 - 06:22 PM

Hello! Not to state the obvious but I am new XD
I usually used this place for the item database, but after getting back my neopian life (Main/side accounts hacked, but retrieved) I've decided to become just a little more 'into' neopets, since i have to rebuild with most of my accounts x_x
SO (after giving you my sob story) I'm rather interested in learning about all the nifty gadgets on here. Some random info on me:

  • Graphic artists
  • Amateur coder
  • been on neopets since they opened pretty much
  • 23 yrs old