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Member Since 14 Feb 2012
Offline Jul 03 2015 10:03 AM

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Restock Ban

20 June 2015 - 12:12 PM

Is there such thing as banning you from seeing the rare items? >R91


I've been restocking manually this week. And got 6 UB's in 3 days and the later 2 days I can't even see any rare items.

It's easy for me to see since I usually spent my time in collectible card or toy. And You know it's >91 if it's gold or diamond card in collectible,


I'm not seeing them anymore this past 2, days. Anyone have any ideas or it just dumb luck? I know I refresh fast enough (1-3seconds) since I got restock ban fairly common but when I'm not I've not been seeing the rare.