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Member Since 18 Sep 2005
Offline May 18 2010 06:05 AM

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In Topic: Bullshit, or not?

26 April 2010 - 10:28 PM

And I told you that they use PHP, not Apache. Because Apache is a server and does not handle anything but requests and that it is PHP that handle this implementation.

Apache is also open source which means that anybody with the motivation and know-how can modify the source and compile a custom 'version' of apache that will handle anything any way you want it to. The HTTP requests are being handled by apache and that is where it would make the most sense to implement a filtering system if one was so desired.

Okay. So I took your script. Loaded it into my ISS website via PHP through Fast CGI - http://www.php.net/m...ndows.iis7.php.

I then created test.php using the php you provided (Skipping those retarded [php] tags, and changing the image to image.gif I assuming thats what you -really- meant). I then made image.gif using a text editor and put in just that code. This is assume that you wanted it implemented this way. If its not, please correct me.

You forgot the .htaccess, something that (I think) is native to Apache. There might be a way to emulate the desired outcome on an IIS box but without letting the server know that it has to interpret that image as a script (by forcing the MIME type association), it's still going to handle it as an image (which is why you are getting that broken-image image). For the end-user that 'image' is never going to seem like anything but an image, but the server can still handle it as something else if it's told to do so.

In Topic: Bullshit, or not?

26 April 2010 - 11:59 AM

TNT uses PHP. Not Apache.

Write me a PHP code that tells me when a user doesnt load images when they visit a php page please.

PHP is an extension to the web server that interprets PHP scripting. Apache is the back-end HTTP daemon that handles the requests that your browser (or your AutoBuyer!) is making. Every single HTTP request made by any application is going to be handled by whatever HTTPd is running on the target server and if somebody wanted to, they could very well set something up that would create an easy filtering system for those requests to weed out those that aren't properly emulating a browser's behavior.

Just because you don't see the requests don't mean they aren't being made. All I did was navigate to neopets.com/ in firefox and there was 70 unique requests to the Neopets server. Granted this was with a clear cache so in a real world situation a good portion of those would be cached, but it's certainly a proof of concept for you.

Posted Image

Write me a PHP code that tells me when a user doesnt load images when they visit a php page please.

... But since I like a challenge:


<img src="image.jpg">
echo ((isset($_SESSION['loaded']))?"You've loaded the image ".$_SESSION['loaded']." times before now.":"You haven't loaded the image!");

if(!isset($_SESSION['loaded'])) $_SESSION['loaded']=1;
else $_SESSION['loaded']++;
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(1,1);
header('Content-type: image/gif');

AddType application/x-httpd-php .gif

Crude implementation? Absolutely. But it does exactly what you wanted!

In Topic: Bullshit, or not?

26 April 2010 - 03:07 AM

"hidden context"

Did you make that word up too? As I have explained before. Abrosia works 100% like Firefox does, the only difference is rather then rendering the html, it just read it like plain text, and then acts upon it (saves your ass time). TNT sees the same thing from both firefox and from Abrosia.

The concern with not rendering the html is that certain elements inherently aren't going to be handled in the same way as they would in a browser and I think that it was Rita was touching on. Your wrapper might mimic that first POST request perfectly, but firefox is making many additional requests to fetch linked resources like *.css/*.js/images/etc. TNT could theoretically write a custom apache implementation that could filter those HTTP requests to find those who aren't acting as a browser would in normal circumstances.

I doubt they are doing that now, but I think they could if they really wanted to.

In Topic: Is there still a maximum number of on-hand neopoints?

25 February 2010 - 02:23 PM

I'd believe that. Like Seed mentioned, the top range for a 32-bit signed integer is ±2,147,483,647 -- any higher than that and it would wrap-around.

Mostly just curiosity anyways, don't see any reason I'd need to have 50m+ on hand any time soon. Plus knowing my luck I'd be hit by the Angry Tax Best the first refresh out of the bank. :)

E: Durr, wrong account.