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Member Since 22 Sep 2005
Offline May 02 2006 12:44 AM

Topics I've Started

Well This Makes A Refreshing Change T.t

02 March 2006 - 09:55 AM

This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

This account was found to have knowingly abused a glitch which provided an unfair advantage over other players.

The only thing i can think of is when i dupped petpets but that was last week unless anyone else has been iced after leaving the training school bot on

Forgot to say it could have been the proxy i used or the kitchen quester or the auto pricer but only the trainer was being run this morning when i was frozen

Way Back When..

27 February 2006 - 11:13 PM

In aim chat back when adam was in aim chat he linked us to a userlookup we all clicked and less than 60 seconds later everyone who went was iced so the moral of the story be carefull what links you click you never know who is linking you to what :ninja:

Who Are The Most Famous, Battledomers Or Avatar'ers?

23 February 2006 - 09:22 AM

and what person do you think is cool? no kaos or infamous please :p

Help With Disc Space

11 December 2005 - 11:09 AM

Ok...this really sucks. I have low disk space it keeps on saying. It's now getting to the point where I can't even open up Photoshop. When I go to try and uninstall things, there is like nothing to uninstall. Is there any other way to clear up some space? Please explain it to me in detail...I don't know much about computers lol.

I would search for all files larfer than 50,000 kb most needed files are way smaller then delete them you can also free up a few meg by deleting all files in the c:\windows\prefetch folder

Patato Counter Ap

10 December 2005 - 03:04 AM

input type='hidden' name='p13' value='29'

Thats always the correct answer when you search the source so maybe someone could rig that into a pot bot O-O