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Member Since 05 Apr 2012
Offline May 30 2012 01:54 PM

Topics I've Started

NeoPets DOG Costume??

22 April 2012 - 12:20 PM

I've been itching to sew something unusual lately, & a "friend" who often mocks my love for the NeoPets made the tragic mistake of suggesting that I "sew a NeoPet costume for my dog hahalolgufaw"...!!

To which I said.....


-le gasp!!- "Noooo!!" you wail. "Why would you dress your dog in cloooothing...??"
Just trust me when I say that *I* did not choose that. She was handed to me wearing a "pretty princess" shirt. ....literally. e_e;
Not to mention-- & this is the horrible part-- if you pick up any dog clothes she will attempt....TO DRESS HERSELF!!!

-breaks down in shameful sobs- T___________T

I know....!! She enjoys it...!! Why?? Whyyyyy!!!???


We've since remedied the, erm, attire choices, with what isn't so...god awfully campy...but now I feel like torturing YOU, yes YOU!! With horribly adorable photos of a tiny rat terrier dressed to look like a NeoPet!! Mwahahahahaha!!!

And this is where you come in. Now that I've been given this challenge I'm at a slight loss of which to create. I need a NeoPet (even pet-pet, perhaps?) that's detailed, but not *too* detailed. Any paintbrush coloured one will do, though a normal one works, I suppose, especially in the case of petpets, as they're already very unique.

I will take your suggestions in to consideration, and either pick the best or draw out of a hat.

After I finish I shall, of course, share photos.
Here's a photo of the victim:


I'm not sure yet when I'll make my decision, but I'll let you know.


AwesomePossum to the rescue!!

20 April 2012 - 09:36 AM

My goodness!! Is that a bird?? A plane?! No...! It's..it's..!! A Possum??! Posted Image



Posted Image

-cough- Well, hello fellow..erm, forum-goers. As you can (hopefully) tell by that little introduction, I'm AwesomePossum.
I've had a NeoCodex account before, but forgot my password & cannot recover it due to the email issues going on...sooo, I made myself a lovely new account, since my old one was less than a year old anyway...
...and since I never really posted on it...just kinda skulked about, lurking in the corners and listening in on conversations...ya' know.......Posted Image

I'm 24, female, an artist and a coder. No, not an awesome coder like you fine fellas who make these spiffy programs here on NeoCodex-- my skills don't dabble far past JavaScript and HTML. Generally, I enjoy coding webpages, & designing and layout...-drool- Uh, anyway...

Is there anything else I ought to divulge to y'all..?

--My favourite colour is green. Not just green, mind you, but "the colour of the sun shining through the bottom of a leaf" green. Chartreuse, to get specific.
Has that painted a lovely, specific picture for you?

--I have 2 hands & 2 feet, with five fingers & 5 toes on each.
...Wait!! No, not on each..! 5 fingers on each hand & 5 toes on each foot...gah, you get it.

Am I done? Can I be done? I'm done now.
So, hello!