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Member Since 13 Jun 2012
Offline Jun 24 2017 07:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Altador Cup X's Team Codex Will Be...

02 June 2015 - 08:34 PM


What the hell guys LOL.

I was on the AC neoboard as soon as scores were posted this morning. People were freaking out and it was hilarious. I wish I took screenshots... There were a couple good topics that got deleted pretty quickly

In Topic: Healthy Eating!

26 May 2015 - 03:34 PM

I'm trying to make "burger salad" tonight which is basically a burger without the bun. You spice the meat with salt/pepper/etc. and then fry it up. Then when it's done you top it with lettuce, tomatoes, etc. I'm adding some extra veggies like kale. Then you cut it up and eat from a bowl, like a salad. I had them before at a friend's house and they were surprisingly good! They're not super healthy but they're still better than regular burgers. Maybe I'll try ground turkey or chicken next time.