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Member Since 25 Jun 2012
Offline Jun 14 2024 03:10 PM

Awards I've Earned

Account Awards
1000 posts! Show the Reason for the Award Congrats on contributing 1000 posts to the forum! (Credit to Sweeney)
2 Year Anniversary! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to those who make it to their second anniversary on Neocodex! (Credit to Fikri)
Golden Trader Show the Reason for the Award Awarded for having 30 positive feedback! (Credit to Fikri)
Got 10? Show the Reason for the Award Got 10+ awards! (Credit to Liesa)
Member of the Month Show the Reason for the Award An award for users who were voted Member of the Month for any given month!
On My Way! Show the Reason for the Award Show some proof of meeting a Codexian is real life, preferably a selfie in the Party Pics thread (Credit to Liesa)
Fanatics and Otakus Show the Reason for the Award There's no such thing as one too many. (Credit to Fikri)
Regal Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to those who have been a member of the Private or Retired rank for 6 months (credit to fikri)!
Burn Heal Show the Reason for the Award Posted in the Neocodex Ice Book. (Credit to Sweeney)
Attic Restocker - 500 Show the Reason for the Award Contributed 500 restocks to the Attic Analyser. (Credit to Sweeney)
Altador Cup IX Participant Show the Reason for the Award Wore their ACIX Haunted Woods userbar with pride.
Altador Cup IX MVP Show the Reason for the Award The REAL Champions of Haunted Woods.
Codies Fall 2014 Show the Reason for the Award For being nominated during the Fall 2014 Codies Awards! (Credit to Liesa)
Scavenger Hunt Participant - Summer 2015 Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to all participants of the Summer 2015 Scavenger Hunt! (Credit to Rocket)
Altador Cup X Participant Show the Reason for the Award Wore their ACX Kiko Lake userbar with pride. (Credit to Liesa)
Altador Cup X MVP Show the Reason for the Award The REAL Champions of Kiko Lake. (Credit to Liesa)
Winter Codies 2015 Nominee Show the Reason for the Award Please Select Your Character. Be nominated during Winter 2015 Codies! (Credit to fikri)
Kate's Medal of Honour Show the Reason for the Award I spy with my little eye, someone being kind (Credit to Liesa)
Brightvale! Show the Reason for the Award Madness? THIS. IS. NEOCODEX!!! (Credit to Fikri)
Spring Codies 2016 Nominee Show the Reason for the Award You can make it big! (credit to Rauul)
Spring Codies 2016 Winner Show the Reason for the Award You did it! You're a star! (credit to Rauul)
Altador Cup Slayer! Show the Reason for the Award For meeting the special requirements in AC XI! (credit to fikri)
Codies Nomination 2018 Show the Reason for the Award Nominated for a category during the Spring 2018 Codies! (Credit to Coops)
Contest Deputy! Show the Reason for the Award An award for hosting one contest! (Credit to Emily)
1x Guide Writer! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to those who complete one guide for Neocodex! (Credit to Stuck)
HOT! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to those who have created a thread after January 1st, 2016 that has 10+ pages (credit to Melancholy)
General Contests
Mad Adder Show the Reason for the Award For participants of the Neocodex Ad Contest! (Credit to Liesa)
NFL Weekly Pick Em Contest Participants! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to the participants of the NFL Weekly Pick Em Contest! (Credit to fikri)
Gaming Competitions
Fantasy Football Participant Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to participants of the Neocodex Fantasy Football competition (Credit to Kord)