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Member Since 10 Jul 2012
Offline Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New 5th Birthday Goodie Bag in the NCmall!

19 July 2012 - 05:44 PM

yay thanks C: new hat~

In Topic: Scores Galore!!! Send scores 5 times per game!!!

19 July 2012 - 05:42 PM

can't be bothered to change the score list ;-;

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

19 July 2012 - 05:37 PM

movement +3

In Topic: proxy neopet question:)

19 July 2012 - 05:35 PM

Actually I've tried https, http, 8080, 80 and other ports and they all show the same error when you do the neopet actions and I've used a variety of different proxy sites including the ones mentioned above
I gave up on this cos i just use wifi from like other places to transfer nps when Im doing like shady stuff lol xD

A question.

All the https or socks never work, only http work and they are very few of them. Why? And why do only port 80 or 8080 work?

And the problem is, th only last a day or two then I have to find a new one. What happens if they expire halfway when the ab or ss is running? Will the program automatically switch back to my computer ip and continue running the program?
Because if it does then I'm doomed.
What happens when the proxy expires halfway when the program is running?

And also, I always get different numbers different ip addresses on whatsmyip.com compared to whatsmyipaddress.com
How come?

Iuno about the first question cos I have proxy problems too but as for the other questions I don't think the proxies expire that fast, when I grab them from hidemyass etc sites they usually "expire" after 1 day and sometimes when I'm lucky they don't expire at all. Just use a new proxy to solve that problem :p
And I like to use ip chicken to check my ip :)

In Topic: proxy neopet question:)

12 July 2012 - 01:02 AM

I've never used a 3128 port before, its always starting with a 8

I'll try to use a https port and see if it works, thanks for the replies btw!

Okay I tried 2 https proxys and I still get that message :/