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Member Since 21 Jul 2012
Offline Sep 11 2012 10:00 AM

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In Topic: SOTW #41 VOTING!

21 August 2012 - 08:46 AM

Since there are 3 entrants will there be a first second or third winner or first second or just first.

I think what they meant was like a color splash. I would have done a color splash. I personally think Black & White should have been aloud since Black & White since they are really only shades. I entered one but I used black as a shade. :/

Well i wouldnt consider that fair, since there is a good chunk of "black" in number 2 as a shade.

I would have entered myself, but I didnt think we were allowed to use greyscale, then throw colors on top of it (as the OP said we COULDNT).

In Topic: SOTW #41 VOTING!

21 August 2012 - 08:40 AM

Im voting for number 3. Honestly, I dont think number 2 follows the rules as posted by the creator of this weeks SoTW:

This post:


For the numerous people who have said this theme is too hard: The reason I want to keep it as only shades of red, green, and blue is because we had a color splash theme and the easiest way to approach this theme would be to slap red, green, and blue onto a black and white picture. I'm not going to be anal about the whole shades of the color thing, but try to remain as true to the theme as possible. It's meant to be a challenge.

It seems like he / she would have greyscaled the image first, then applied the colors. Even then, theres some offshade in it. Its good work, but not in line with this weeks SoTW imo.

In Topic: First Loves

04 August 2012 - 10:35 AM

Umm, I met my husband online. In a game to be precise.
And not all gaming girls are leeches who flutter their eyes to get further in game.

PS: That upvote was a mistake on my behalf, I clicked it as I scrolled down.

This. I know many people who have met their significant other online (during games). and they are happily married and raising a family.

In Topic: First Loves

04 August 2012 - 10:19 AM

I've only ever dated Asians. Something about them eyes, and skin complexion. *drool*

Anyways, my first loves name was Steph. This is the girl i would later lose my virginity too. (And by later, I mean like the day I met her IRL). Yes, I said IRL. I met her on WoW, as I was an avid gamer (Still am. Just waying for MoP to roll out). We talked and talked for a while, and I convinced her to come down just to visit my best friend and I (who she also knew from WoW). So she did. Well, the first night she was here we hung out in her hotel room, and just played some games, went out and ate, went to the movies, all that corny shit.

Well it was getting dark and I had to take my best friend home, so I said goodnight to her and all that. On my way home she texted me to come back to the hotel and hang out some more, so I said okay. Afterall, I thought she might be tired of driving 16 hours. Well we hung out more, went to dinner, and just continued what we normally were doing. That is, until night.

I guess I fell asleep around the same time she did (no intentions on staying there. I think we were just taking turns playing a 1 person game). Next thing I knew I was doing uh..."stuff" to her. I had no idea how it got to that point or whatever. Its like I just woke up in the middle of it. I apologized so much and she was like "Haha its alright. I dont mind." And it just went from there. She moved down with her two young boys, that I raised for about a year, and everything seemed to be going fine.

That is, until I found out she would always be going to "work" at night. I lived in the city while going to school on the weekdays and she lived with my parents. Well she said she was going to work, and left. My brother had to leave to work so he left. Well, she ended up going somewhere other then work. Turns out, another dudes house, ect. So yeah, my actual first love cheated on me. FML.

My second one was another Asian named Joanna. She was smart, and currently attending grad school for Cancer Research and all that. Shes the typical Chinese family. Though she liked to game, and played WoW as well (this is where I met her). Basically same thing happened above. We met, had sex, then started dating. 2 years passed.She was always the fancy one, going to those nice ass restaurants, everything. Well turns out her "best friend" took advantage of her and basically raped her. But being how forgiving she is, she forgave him. I hated him from there on out.

I went out of my way to make his life hell. Well, turns out shes dating him now. PS: She cheated on me a total of 5 times. Only twice was physical. The first time was when we just got together and she was living with her ex still. And he would guilt trip her. The second was with the other dude I just talked about.

So yeah. Done with Asians for now.



In Topic: Wanna make a little Deal?

21 July 2012 - 08:38 PM

If you like dubstep you're OK in my book. Welcome!


what was the reason you were frozen? You might actually be able to get the account back if you really didn't do anything wrong. I know some ways to get it back as long you are sure you didn't cheat at all.

Apparently I bought NP or something o.O I have no idea. They said my account was linked to other accounts that were confirmed buying NP. Only accounts on the same IP or anything would have been my girlfriends, and she didnt get frozen.

Rob is a great fucking name; the rest of us Robs will gladly shun you if you don't like it :p

I dont mind Rob. Its Robert I dont like. Haha.

Oh really, then what are we going to do with bluegrass great Rob Huffman and all the other famous bluegrass players named Rob?

Convert them.