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Member Since 23 Jul 2012
Offline Jul 30 2012 09:21 AM

Topics I've Started

General program's question

24 July 2012 - 03:37 PM

Hey there, im a bit new to all the programs and my account just got frozen because of a fail i did with the score sender but i wanted to know if there was a autoplayer in the programs that is generally good to make some cash, not fast cash or anything crazy just something that i can turn on and do homework for the next couple of hours, i was doing the pyramid and the negg sweeper but they have a cap of so many neopoints you can earn im pretty sure. and i want to gain money, not spend 5 neopoints to use to gain something but also may fail.

Newbie Abrosia questions.

23 July 2012 - 03:08 PM

Hey there i have most things figured out but, i've been running the program for about 2 hours and only have gotten 2 items and my profit is anything over 1500.
I just wanted to know if that was normal, im using the neocodex list not manual for this as well. Also i wanted to know is when i see people talking about a neopoint generator
making them so much cash a day what they where talking about because i don't see one in the program list.

Also are there any tips or tricks i should know about auto buying, any stores i should be going to or not be going too.

Hello Everyone

23 July 2012 - 01:01 PM

Hello, just started back up on neopets, they lost my 8 year old account somehow so i made a new one. was not sure to come back but i got a sign, played brucy slots had 400 neopoints left i knew i wouldn't win anything and then i won 75k. So a good start id say. just lurking around the forums reading tutorials or some programs and other things.