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Member Since 23 Jul 2012
Offline May 14 2013 11:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Score Sender

14 May 2013 - 04:05 PM

I have a question, would it be possible to get the Hannah Avatar through the Score sender? Because I can't get to the game at all, my friends neither. So I don't know if it's a general error (so it would be suspicious if I was randomly able to play the game) or if it's possible.


And if it's possible, which time would be secure? I have no idea at all... thanks already :)



youtube it, look at how many minutes it took when they reach the score you want. Most games are on there, that's how I got realistic times. I've never played about a quarter of the games i score send for. I doubt it'll work for hannah games tho,

In Topic: My subconcious really knows how to toy with my emotionst

27 July 2012 - 10:48 PM

My dreams always end with someone dying, they're actually really gory. I'm desensitized now, at night I think "Who is gonna die tonight?" lol. I heard somewhere that a series of events can happen while you dream, in like a matter of seconds real time. That's what I don't like.. having a good dream for once and it flies by in flashes almost.

Also hate when a person in my dream will be two people. Like the face on them flicks from one person to the other and I'll have a conversation with both.