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Member Since 06 Aug 2012
Offline Dec 26 2012 11:21 AM

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In Topic: How much do you make ABing?

17 August 2012 - 01:57 PM

Is the Igloo any good? I haven't ABed from there yet...

In Topic: Why do people think that nature is good?

17 August 2012 - 10:49 AM

Talking 'shit' refers to anything, not that the content of your talk is shit. That's up for debate. All I'm saying is that you can afford the luxury of a pointless philosophical discussion because civilization gives you that gift.

You have problems in life, maybe so. These problems may be big for you, maybe so. However, you dismiss the things that are "bad" about nature and say: "That's life for you" as if we could ever compare in our petty day to day problems to life in the wild. "Sure it has problems! But what's life without problems?" It's something that beings with real problems would surely appreciate. You're an ingrate. You're so comfortable in what you've been given that you have the courage to present nature as somehow tranquil and wondrous and the bad in it something you can just ignore. Of course you can ignore the bad in nature. You've never experienced it in your life and you never will have to. :rolleyes:

I'll thank civilization for you.
Thanks, civilization, for giving owl such an amazing life.

Thanks for thanking civilization for me. Truly, you're a gem among men.

In Topic: How much do you make ABing?

17 August 2012 - 10:47 AM

Hmm. I'll have to consider that. I'm in California, so my working later into the night than most other users wouldn't come off as strange.

EDIT: OK, I spoke too soon: just snatched up a 1.75m item from AAA.

Lucky duck. Still waiting for my big break, even though last night I got an 800k item within 7 secs of starting Abrosia. I guess that's not too shabby.

In Topic: Why do people think that nature is good?

17 August 2012 - 10:27 AM

What do you define as a balance? Because I fail to see one in nature. Of course woods are peaceful for you! You live in a nation where we have domesticated wild animals and eradicated the ones we couldn't tame. No bear is going to show up and maul you. That's the byproduct of human contact for you.

The way I look at it, you're sitting on a computer talking shit on a forum with not a problem in your life. A poor antelope is under the hot sun somewhere about to be eaten by a tiger. You live in perpetual comfort thanks to the things that human society has offered, and yet you're enough of an ingrate to compare your life to the dog eat dog brutality of nature? Give me a break.

Ahh, I'm an ingrate for having an opinion, and thinking things though. Also, half of the things you claim I said aren't true. Not once on this forum have I talked shit (highlighted in red). I, as all people, have problems in life. Maybe not as great in scale as others, but to each person, each problem has personal value/ disdain (lime green). Lastly, not ONCE did I compare my life to the horrors that nature can have at times. I don't know where you pulled this information out of, and I don't know why you're trying to start crap, but I forgive you.

In Topic: Why do people think that nature is good?

17 August 2012 - 08:09 AM

I agree that this thread sucks, but it's only because nature is a complicated topic to debate about.

Anyway, I think nature, or the world un-touched by man, is incredible.It's this perfect balance of prey to predator. (That is until the humans showed up, and started exporting animals from different continents for profit). If I need to be alone, ever, I'll just take a stroll though the woods, or near a lake or something. I find nature to be quite tranquil. Life is hard sometimes, and extreme situations call for extreme measures (i.e. - animals killing one another), but if you look at only the bad, what point is there of looking at all? Nature is a wondrous thing given to us by God (that is my opinion, don't let it retract from what I said before), and I honestly don't think it's all too-cruel. Sure, life is a b*tch sometimes, but then what kind of experience would life be if we didn't have any problems at all? (Nature included). What has to happen in nature happens, and things that aren't necessity, but still happen... Well, that's life for you.