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Member Since 30 Aug 2012
Offline Sep 01 2012 12:37 AM

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In Topic: Aubrasia not buying + error...

01 September 2012 - 12:07 AM

xmfd look at this scrub try to justify himself


At any rate, my problem has been solved, and I have thanked the person who helped me. I'll be taking my leave now, and remember you as somebody who looks down on new people.

In Topic: Aubrasia not buying + error...

31 August 2012 - 11:43 PM

You are new so most of what I say will fly over your head for the next few months but that's normal.

I don't intend to be an active member here, so if things are to fly over my head then I can assume that they will "fly over my head" for the rest of my remaining time here on neocodex.

My only goal here is to perhaps contribute occasionally, if I find something worthy of contributing, or requesting help for problems I may or may not have.

Breaking apart your previous statement:

Did this scrub really misspell Ambrosia?

Did this noob really misspell Ambrosia?

I'd feel it correct to say that misspelling Ambrosia is a sarcastic intention, rather than an ironic typo. I replied with what I found to be sarcastic wit. My apologies, master.

On topic: Neopets accounts must be 24 hours or older for the autobuyer to work. After my account passed the 24 hour mark, it began to work fine. If people have further problems with the autobuyer working, check that their neopets accounts are 24 hours old or not. This may be the problem. Thank you for all your help, strategist. The error itself still occurs occasionally, but the autobuyer is working fine regardless. I can put up with the error just fine, it doesn't occur while autobuying.

EDIT: Just realized the other change I made, browser synchronization. When I turned that on, and my account was 24 hours old, it worked fine. I'll go and make a new neopets account and check if it works with browser synchronization or not and edit this post again.

EDIT: Browser Synchronization definitely fixed my problem.

In Topic: Aubrasia not buying + error...

31 August 2012 - 11:35 PM

If the shops are full then you will find that Abrosia won't buy anything at all. As for the error, I can't help out any further there (possibly PM a programmer and ask them?). For now it will be a bit of a pain to do but you may just need to restart the program manager each time you wish to stop and start Abrosia. :/

I'll perform some more debugging tests and see what I get then. Thanks a bunch!

In Topic: Aubrasia not buying + error...

31 August 2012 - 10:59 PM

The error ALWAYS comes up when I stop abrosia and then restart it. It comes up often the first time I start it.

I can not choose what shops to AB in, so I'm ABing in whatever the default is. It's been a wide range of shops.

The shop is usually full (24 items).

No, I do not have premium on neopets. I was planning to make enough over the next week or two to purchase it both here and at neopets.

Did this scrub really misspell Ambrosia?

Yes, and so did you. My apologies master.

In Topic: Aubrasia not buying + error...

31 August 2012 - 10:42 PM

No, I intended to make enough money to purchase premium over the next week or two.