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Member Since 15 Sep 2012
Offline Apr 01 2016 01:39 AM

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In Topic: Frozen

31 March 2016 - 10:01 AM

Wow and you still bother AoBing? Time to bring out the score sender and automate some process. Gets you frozen faster too!


It's interesting how all the legit players are getting iced while cheaters run rampant

In Topic: Why do you keep playing?

30 March 2016 - 09:30 PM

I play cos I like to cheat too. And I've been on neopets since young, once as a legit player. Feels good to get everything this easily now!

In Topic: Frozen

30 March 2016 - 09:10 PM

Wondering TNT still busy freeze people account ah? :o

Been 40 days now, I have more than 5 million and tons of trophies. And nope, still warm and hot.


BTW, you sound like you're from my country.


I came here to say "Let it go" but the OP was ahead of the game :(

Ahahahahaha. Common reference. Old but gold.


I've been ABing with safe times for a few weeks. But they're the same times I always used, and they used to get me frozen years and years ago. I think they aren't paying as much attention now, honestly. 

Yes ikr! Never dared to score send in the past. They use to detect score senders within a week. Now I score send and AB daily. Now for over a month.

In Topic: Today my main and shells were all frozen uvu ♥

30 March 2016 - 07:31 PM

They still do freeze people now? My 6 yrs old account was frozen for no reason some 4 years ago. That's why i turned to neocodex for answers.


I thought their player pool would be too small now for them to freeze anyone.

In Topic: The Deadly Dice Topic

10 March 2016 - 02:52 AM

DD helps to keep my pets' level under the range where more codestones are needed. Singaporean here too, and I just created a new account. They seem to be a lot less strict with the hackers now?


Anw I doubt DD is worth it if you're an avatar collector, just win once and forget about doing it.