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Member Since 05 Oct 2012
Offline Oct 17 2012 05:55 PM

Topics I've Started

"Missed XXX: Unknown error."

09 October 2012 - 08:26 PM

I have been getting these a lot lately. This time I caught the error in the act. I saw that the shop restocked while I was browsing the internet, and noticed that it was haggling. Then it got stuck on the haggle wait time, and it just stayed there for a solid ten seconds, before telling me in the log that I missed the item because of the error in the title. Does anybody know why this happens?

Average Time to Sell Items?

07 October 2012 - 07:45 PM


I just started getting into neopets and Abing recently, and I seem to be getting decent items (or at least the neocodex database seems to say so) but they don't seem to be selling in my shop. How long does it typically take for an item to sell? I know it is very dependent on whether the item is ETS, HTS, and the individual item it is, but on average, what do you consider a decent turn around time from purchase to sale?

Why Hello There

05 October 2012 - 05:52 PM

Hello everybody, my name is Lichto and I enjoy playing on the computer! I used to play Neo for a long time, but then I stopped. Got into it recently, and I stumbled upon this fine establishment. I am decently new to all of the auto buyers and such, but I have dabbled in Runescape botting, and some of that might help me out (I think). I'm pretty active, but sometimes just forget about a game I have been trying to play. So, without further adieu, I hereby declare my self introduced.

Hope to see you around,
