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Member Since 13 Oct 2012
Offline Aug 06 2020 07:16 AM

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RS Ban Check Fix Suggestion

01 June 2015 - 05:41 PM

Since the only two options currently in Abrosia are 


a) completely disabling the check

b) using the old tiki rs ban check


a third option that actually fixes the check should be added.


As far as I know, the shops do not clear out at exactly the same time, which means that there should be many shops that still have inventory left.


Have Abrosia pick a sample of 5 or 10 shops and cycle through them and check if there are items in stock.


If none of the shops have items, then it can be assumed that the user has a rs ban. 


If one of the shops has items, then the user is not rs banned.


I apologize if this has already been suggested before or if I do not completely understand the restock ban system.