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Member Since 30 Oct 2012
Offline Jul 15 2013 08:37 PM

Topics I've Started

How to make your own Neopets shields?

03 July 2013 - 04:21 PM

I'm not talking about premade shields, but like how to replace your shield with a gif or something.

I know this guy has a guide:





....buuut I don't exactly understand still.


Anyone know of another good guide or willing to teach me? :rolleyes:


Speed Tests

26 January 2013 - 11:07 AM

So my AB has been doing pretty bad ever since I got it and only been buying about one 100k item a day.  I read around and saw that it might have just been that I have a bad connection.  I did several speed tests but only one of them have worked, while speedtest.net hasn't been working at all and all the other have an error when it comes to my upload test.  Anyways, the one that did work said this:


Download Speed:  17.28 Mbps

Upload Speed:  16 Mbps


Is this a good connection?  If not, how can I make it better?


Abrosia not buying anything for the past 3 days

11 January 2013 - 04:26 PM

As I've mentioned before in my other post, I have the free version of Abrosia. I don't have my settings on default, but I put them on the lowest times allowed for the free version.

GWD: 8.0 - 8.3
MSPH: 1.0 - 1.0
OCR: 1.0 - 1.4
APD: 2.0 - 3.7
Haggle Percent: 4.6%

It's missed all the items it had a chance at buying (which was still only like 10 for the past 3 days).

Are my settings messed up?...I really have no idea why it's not buying like it did the first couple of days

EDIT: Ok, I've just missed another 17 items just in the past 40 mins...still haven't gotten anything. Abrosia, whyyyy?

Is the free version of Abrosia very effective for anyone else?

07 January 2013 - 02:39 PM

I just want to start off by saying I am a broke college student who can't afford the advanced membership, so please don't yell at me to get one :). Anyways, I've just recently installed the free abrosia version 3 days ago, but am getting pretty much NO WHERE on it. The first day I got about 5 items (decent profits), but now if I'm lucky I'll only get one item a day. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the free version near useless? :huh: