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Member Since 03 Nov 2012
Offline Feb 08 2013 02:25 PM

Topics I've Started

Games Master Challenge: Pirates vs. Ninjas

19 November 2012 - 05:39 PM

Is anyone else doing the GMC: Pirates vs. Ninjas? If so, what side are you on?

PS3 or Wii

16 November 2012 - 07:39 PM

So my apartment is in need of a console, but my boyfriend and I seem to be flip-flopping between PS3 and Wii.

So far, I've broken it down to:

PS3 Pros:
- better gameplay for Video Games (though, honestly, I can barely manage old SEGA games, and he tends to be more of a computer MMORPG person)
- I've heard it's more consistent with internet
- it's black (stupid, I know, but I like stuff matching! :unsure: )
- more potential for the two of us hosting ppl over to play it

Wii Pros:
- the Wii fit intrigues me
- cheaper on craigslist (150$ incl. all sorts of accessories vs. 250$ PS3 with maybe 1 controller)
- mario party is just so awesome...

A side note, one of the main reasons we want it is as a movie base (so Netflix, and ideally Hard Drive capable)

What do you guys think?

Does account type affect how fast/if you get iced?

04 November 2012 - 06:42 PM

Got into this hypothetical debate recently, and figured someone here would know the answer...

Would it be harder to get iced on a 13 & under account?

On one hand, I can see TNT monitoring younger accounts less because they could assume children have less access to cheats or whatever.

Then again, I doubt they'd let anyone get a free pass on something like that...
