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Member Since 24 Nov 2012
Offline Dec 25 2012 07:52 AM

Topics I've Started

How do I cancel my Advanced Membership?

20 December 2012 - 11:23 AM

I've looked all over the site and haven't been able to find where or how I can cancel my subscription. Help? :/

HTMLParseError: malformed start tag, at line 1, column 45991

25 November 2012 - 10:54 AM

I turned on Abrosia, clicked start, and it gave me this error message. I have already restarted the program multiple times, but it keeps giving me the same error.

Exception in thread Thread-89:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyc", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 711, in run
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 1013, in processNextTaskItem
File "HTMLParser.pyc", line 108, in feed
File "HTMLParser.pyc", line 148, in goahead
File "HTMLParser.pyc", line 229, in parse_starttag
File "HTMLParser.pyc", line 304, in check_for_whole_start_tag
File "HTMLParser.pyc", line 115, in error
HTMLParseError: malformed start tag, at line 1, column 45991