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Member Since 03 Jan 2013
Offline Jan 01 2015 05:31 PM

Topics I've Started

NC to NP - Rates?

11 January 2013 - 04:32 AM

Was just wondering what rates people trade NC and NC items at. I can't seem to find a concrete rate for NC:NP. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. Also how much do people buy/sell "retired" NC items for as well?

Magic: The Gathering

10 January 2013 - 05:34 AM

Any fellow MTG fans out there? If so, what do you like playing? Standard, Modern, Legacy, Casual, EDH, etc? What are your favorite color combinations/style of play?
As for me, I love playing that one janky combo deck in Standard or playing mostly EDH. Drafting is another favorite way of playing Magic. I'm also very fond of brewing decks and play testing. Oh and most importantly, I am a Timmy/Johnny and I equally love playing all five (six) colors with some favoritism towards green, blue, and brown.

Hey, I'm new

03 January 2013 - 03:55 PM

Hey guys I'm Mythe, and I have been a member of Neopets for 9 years. Although my main account was lost because of a mishap with a birthday date and such, I made a new account about 4 years ago. I have been a lurker in Neocodex for a while and decided to make an account just now. I'm really not in to Neopets yet because it was more of a way to burn time, but I'm somewhat willing to try something new. So even though I have been on Neopets for 9 years, it was more of an on-and-off thing, so I'm really still just a novice. Hope you guys treat me well, and hope we have a swell time together.