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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
Offline Aug 05 2015 07:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Any Old-Timer Neopets User Still Alive Now?

15 July 2015 - 08:18 PM

I started playing in 4th grade, which would have been 2000-2001ish...and I took everything about the site roughly five billion percent too seriously. I had a huge morphing potion collection, in part due to savings and in part due to this mystery girl named Mandy who would take me on "shopping trips" and buy me potions from my wishlist. My moment of crowning glory came after I'd been on the site for a while (playing completely legitimately, of course) and finally got named to an admin position in my guild. I literally bragged to my parents about what a big deal I was and felt highly misunderstood when they were just like "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND ARE YOU BEING SAFE ON THIS COLORFUL WEBSITE." I remember being on MSN messenger with my guildmates and Neofriends CONSTANTLY for hours both before and after school. The dream finally came to a end when I clicked a fake Battle Duck in someone's shop and had my entire account ransacked, then frozen. I cried for days and thought my parents were hateful assholes for not calling the police about it.


Started playing again in college for nostalgia's sake and was actually doing pretty well for myself on my own due to KQ until I sent a Neomail to someone telling them to use this site for price checks. I, being an unparalleled genius, thought that this was just a price checker site and hadn't ever bothered to explore beyond the item database. Of course my shit got frozen almost immediately and of course I never got a response to my ticket. That's the point at which I decided to start cheating. Someone kindly gifted me a Ghostkerbomb on my first "dirty" account (after I made an introductory post about being upset) and I was stressing about it for days because I was sure I was going to get iced, lmao.


I forgot the password to that account and brilliantly used my school email address, which is now defunct, to register...so the account still exists but I can't really get at it. I recently remade and am just waiting for a bit more time to pass before I do some more business on here. :p

In Topic: Not new, but...

23 May 2015 - 10:09 PM

Have you tried asking TNT for help?

I'm confused about what staff you're talking about lol. Our staff, Neopets' staff or you school's staff? xD

Haha, sorry. I mean TNT staff - I could also try the school as a last resort.

Going to bed now but feel free to post or message me any other suggestions. I just want to get back into Neopets. :p

In Topic: Not new, but...

23 May 2015 - 10:01 PM

Thank you, I'm glad you remember me! I've been thinking about contacting the school but I don't know how willing they'd be to work with me unless I made up some story about needing GENUINELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Do you think staff will work with me if I just get Premium now? :p